Category: Human body

How Laughing is Improving Our Brain: The Science Behind the Joy

How Laughing is Improving Our Brain: The Science Behind the Joy

Laughter is often called the best medicine, but did you know it’s also one of the most effective ways to improve brain health? Beyond the obvious emotional benefits, scientific research reveals that laughter triggers a cascade of physiological and neurological processes that enhance cognitive function, boost emotional well-being, and even protect against neurodegenerative diseases. Let’s…

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The Shape of Dreams: What Your Dreams Actually Mean

The Shape of Dreams: What Your Dreams Actually Mean

Dreams are some of the most mysterious aspects of the human experience. They transport us into a surreal realm, filled with symbols, emotions, and strange situations that often seem to defy logic. But are dreams just random images and thoughts, or do they carry deeper meaning? For centuries, scientists, psychologists, and philosophers have studied dreams,…

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Microplastic in Our Lives: The Growing Concern of Tiny Pollutants

Microplastic in Our Lives: The Growing Concern of Tiny Pollutants

Microplastic in Our Lives: The Growing Concern of Tiny Pollutants Microplastics, tiny particles of plastic less than 5 millimeters in diameter, have become an alarming environmental and public health issue. These small plastic fragments can be found in oceans, rivers, soil, the food we eat, the water we drink, and even the air we breathe.…

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These Foodborne Illnesses can be Horrifying

These Foodborne Illnesses can be Horrifying

Cryptococcosis Grows Mold on Your Brain Salmonella Melts Your Bones Ciguatoxins Reverse Amoebiasis Dissolves Your Organ Tissues Brucellosis Slowly Rips Your Spinal Cord Apart MuneebComputer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel

Humans could still be Conscious after Death

Humans could still be Conscious after Death

According to a study, called AWARE, human consciousness keeps working (for some time) after clinical death. AWARE and Initial Stages of Death Recent research suggests that the person might actually be able to hear this pronouncement. A 2014 study found that survivors of cardiac arrest were able to recall certain details of their resuscitation. The…

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6 Essential Nutrients of Human Diet

6 Essential Nutrients of Human Diet

A balanced human diet must have a proper combination of all the essential nutrients ranging from Carbohydrates to Vitamins and from Fats to Water. Fitness is an essential part of a healthy life. There are a number of ways to stay fit but one thing that stays important in all instances is your diet. In…

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Researchers Identify the Beneficial Role of Sleep

Researchers Identify the Beneficial Role of Sleep

Scientists studied the zebrafish model to find that sleep repairs the damage (done to the DNA during the waking hours) by increasing Chromosome Dynamics.   You might have observed that sleep disturbances have a drastic impact on your brain performance. Similarly, the lack of sleep for longer duration is linked with several brain disorders and…

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Is it Possible for Humans to Stay Sane in Space?

Is it Possible for Humans to Stay Sane in Space?

Space Travel is an incredibly hostile experience which can leave an ever-lasting impact on the mind of an astronaut. Space Exploration is the talk of the town these days as more and more missions are reaching the far-off destinations of our universe. All the space agencies of the world including NASA, Roscosmos, China National Space…

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Flight Attendants have a Higher Risk of Cancer. Here is why

Flight Attendants have a Higher Risk of Cancer. Here is why

Spending most of their time in the thinner atmosphere is leading flight attendants to various forms of cancer. Traveling by air is considered the safest means of transportation as the count of airplane accidents is quite low. Despite the fact that the chances of survival are nearly non-existent in case of an accident, it is…

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Will Humans eventually become Robots in the Future?

Will Humans eventually become Robots in the Future?

According to Elon Musk, humans must become cyborgs if they want to stay relevant in a future dominated by Artificial Intelligence. The speed of human life has increased many times following the advancement in technology. Robotics have certainly come a long way due to the continuous improvements in Artificial Intelligence. A lot of other assisting…

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Why People have common DNA with most of the Plants and Animals?

Why People have common DNA with most of the Plants and Animals?

The Genetic Similarity of Humans with Monkeys is heavily in favor of the Evolution theory. Humans belong to the animal kingdom and there were significant chances that our DNA will match with other animals. The advancement in medical technology enabled the scientists to sequence the genomes of all the organisms. This proved all the speculations…

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Why our Brain prefers Lies instead of Truth

Why our Brain prefers Lies instead of Truth

Much of what you believe to be true is false. Our life is heavily dependent on the knowledge we possess. We mold our routines according to that and all our views are formed in light of the things we consider right. The brain is responsible for making all these calculations as it performs the duty…

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How does Space change the Human body?

How does Space change the Human body?

A lot of space missions are planned these days but the task of being an astronomer is not easy by any stretch of the imagination. Firstly, the training that is needed in order to make an actual space trip is quite tough. Once you are selected to be a part of a mission, the problems…

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How does Video Games affect the Life of Kids

How does Video Games affect the Life of Kids

Are video games affecting our children growth? Video games have attracted children ever since their introduction. The growth of this industry is the best indicator to show the popularity of these games. According to a report, more than 97% of American teenagers play these games. The worth of the domestic game industry in America is…

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Poor Nutrition in Childhood linked with Hearing Loss

Poor Nutrition in Childhood linked with Hearing Loss

Scientists discover poor nutrition is linked with hearing loss Getting proper nutrition is essential for healthy growth of children. The effects of malnutrition might not appear immediately but they do show up at any stage of your life. This is a serious issue that needs quite a lot of attention as a number of complications…

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Human Brain is still active Minutes after Heart Stops Beating

Human Brain is still active Minutes after Heart Stops Beating

Humans could be brought back to life up to five minutes after death. Medical science is exploring every possible way to enhance the lifespan of humans. Equipment like ventilator was an amazing invention in this regard. Probably the biggest discovery in this regard came out recently when it was announced that human brain continues to…

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What happened with Head Transplant in 2017?

What happened with Head Transplant in 2017?

World’s First Head Transplant has Taken Place Head transplant is often confused with brain transplant but they are two different terminologies. In a head transplant, the head of one organism is grafted onto the body of another through surgery. The head of the recipient may or may not be removed. There are no reported cases…

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Is Laughter Really Contagious?

Is Laughter Really Contagious?

Are human emotions really contagious? Why one person’s laughter is soon shared by another’s? Seeing emotional expressions such as smiles and laughter in someone else often triggers a corresponding emotional response in the watcher. This may be a basic element of social interation: synchronyzing a common emotional state in all members of a group whose brains…

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New Bionics Let Us Run, Climb and Dance

New Bionics Let Us Run, Climb and Dance

The next generation of bionic limbs, robotic prosthetics is inspired by nature’s own designs. Hugh Herr lost both legs in a climbing accident 30 years ago. Now, as the head of the MIT Media Lab’s Biomechatronics group, he shows his incredible technology in a talk that’s both technical and deeply personal. With the help of…

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Astronaut Bresnik and Crewmates Return to Earth From ISS

Astronaut Bresnik and Crewmates Return to Earth From ISS

Bresnik and Crewmates Return Safe To Earth From ISS Landing in Kazakhstan after opening a new chapter in the scientific capability of humanity’s premier microgravity laboratory, three crew members who have been living and working aboard the International Space Station returned to Earth on Thursday. NASA confirms that “Expedition 53 Commander Randy Bresnik of NASA and Flight…

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Healthy lifestyle prevents cancer and others diseases

Healthy lifestyle prevents cancer and others diseases

When it comes to cancer, prevention is definitely the best way forward. We want to share with you of the best cancer prevention methods. Cancer is a deadly disease. People suffering from cancer go through some pain like no other. The treatment involves procedures like chemotherapy and radiation. During the severe treatment, it is vitally to…

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Scientists Claim That Everyone Can Become A Singer. This is How

Scientists Claim That Everyone Can Become A Singer. This is How

A study analyzing human voice was completed recently by British scientists, proving that each person can, with some practice, develop certain vocal abilities and achieve certain tonalities Everyday we wonder why we can not have voices like those of Michael Jackson and Luis Armstrong. Most of us have thought and still do not believe that…

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24h Rhythm of Your Body

24h Rhythm of Your Body

What your body is doing during a day? Here’s a full list with all hours and your actions of your organism: 04:00: Your body reaches its minimum potential. The most of time, arrests are made at this hour. 05:00: Melatonin’s level on the blood begins to drop. Your body starts to realease many hormons. 06:00: Pulse and…

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