Category: Motivation

All you need to know about ADHD

All you need to know about ADHD

The effects of Attention-deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can certainly be controlled. If you are unable to pay attention to a given task, interrupt others regularly, or feels to move around when you shouldn’t, you might be suffering from the ADHD. It makes it difficult for a person to control impulsive behaviors and pay attention. In addition…

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Children of this generation can Delay Gratification for much Longer than the Kids of 90s

Children of this generation can Delay Gratification for much Longer than the Kids of 90s

The Marshmallow Test reveals that the children of this day and age have more self-control than those in the 1960s. Technological advancement and inventions like smartphones and tablets have enhanced the pace of our lives considerably. Just like everything else, technology has its pros and cons but we adopted it for its benefits. It is…

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How does Law of Attraction works?

How does Law of Attraction works?

You will receive exactly what you give to the world. Is attraction only directed towards individuals or is it just a fraction of information we are familiar with? Attraction in simpler terms is defined as the action or power evoking interest in or fondness for something or someone. Attraction evolves around feelings, sentiments, and a…

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Why people with ADHD syndrome have more chances to become Entrepreneurs?

Why people with ADHD syndrome have more chances to become Entrepreneurs?

Diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), nothing to worry as your chances of becoming an Entrepreneur has increased three times. According to different studies, people with ADHD have more chances of exceling as entrepreneurs because characteristics like risk-taking, resilience, and creativity are keys to success once they are given the right direction. The 3…

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How to get Motivated every Morning and keep it going for a Long time

How to get Motivated every Morning and keep it going for a Long time

Motivation is of immense importance to keep us going through with our hectic routines. Things that motivate may vary from person to person but one thing that remains constant is that ‘getting out of bed is hard’. The early morning hours of the morning are a great blessing. When you are up before the world,…

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Door to a better life

Door to a better life

You, like everyone, have a dream, a goal, a moment you want to achieve in your life. But what stops you from making your dream come true? What stops you from taking action right now? What stops you from being the person that you always wanted to be? Maybe when you talk about your goals…

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