Category: violence

Innocent Games can Lead to Unimaginable Results

Innocent Games can Lead to Unimaginable Results

Stabbed Over a Virtual Sword Gamer Couple Lets Their Child Starve to Death The Cannibal Game A Board Game Killed Half a Million The Antarctic Chess Murder MuneebComputer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel

Worst Times to be Alive in Human History

Worst Times to be Alive in Human History

1992 – 1996: The Siege of Sarajevo 1918 – 1919: The Spanish Flu 1618 – 1648: The Thirty Years’ War 1944: Firebombing Raids during WWII 1467 – 1600: The Sengoku Period The Year 536 MuneebComputer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel