Tag: black holes

Crazy Facts About Our Galaxy: The Milky Way’s Mysteries

Crazy Facts About Our Galaxy: The Milky Way’s Mysteries

The Milky Way, the galaxy that we call home, is an awe-inspiring and vast expanse of stars, planets, gas clouds, and mysterious objects. As the backdrop to our night skies, it’s a constant reminder of how much remains unknown in the universe. While astronomers have made remarkable progress in understanding the Milky Way, it still…

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Most Powerful Scenes of Cosmic Destruction

Most Powerful Scenes of Cosmic Destruction

Mind-blowing Incidents of Cosmic Destruction A Cosmic Traffic Accident Stars Vaporizing Their Planets A Black Hole that Devours the Equivalent of a Star Black Holes That Bite More Than They Can Chew Millions Of Stars Birthed Violently Due To Galactic Collision MuneebComputer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel

Mind-Blowing Possibilities about Black Holes

Mind-Blowing Possibilities about Black Holes

Black Holes Might Have Hair They could be Surrounded by Walls of Fire They May Scramble Information Black Holes could be Dark Matter Black Holes Can Lead to Time Travel MuneebComputer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel

Scientists Found Flashes of Light from Colliding Black Holes

Scientists Found Flashes of Light from Colliding Black Holes

Astronomers detected a potential gravitational-wave signature that may have helped them discover possible light from colliding black holes.   The name itself suggests that ‘Black Holes’ are not supposed to produce any light. Ever since the discovery of the invisible phenomenon, this is exactly what we knew until last month. According to a recent study,…

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30 Years of Hubble Space Telescope

30 Years of Hubble Space Telescope

NASA celebrated the 30th birthday of HST by releasing another gem of an image from interstellar space. Historical Background of Hubble Space Telescope Hubble is named after an American astronomer, Edwin P. Hubble. He made important discoveries in the early 1900s and is often called the “Pioneer of the Distant Stars”. He was the one…

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Some Amazing Facts about Numbers

Some Amazing Facts about Numbers

Bees Understand Numbers Cultures with No Numbers Primes Behave like Crystals AI’s Spontaneous Numbers Sense Black Holes inside the Brain MuneebComputer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel

6 Space Myths that came from Movies

6 Space Myths that came from Movies

Visible Laser Beams Sound in Space Explosions in Space Weightlessness Light is the Fastest Thing in Existence Black Holes Suck Everything MuneebComputer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel

7 Outstanding Discoveries from the Edge of Existence

7 Outstanding Discoveries from the Edge of Existence

The evolution of science and technology has had a significant impact on the astronomical observations of humans. In the last few decades, humanity has explored a number of surprising events and places in different parts of our universe. Scientists believe that the rate of discoveries will continue to increase as more and more resources are…

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Radio Telescopes could take even Sharper Images of Black Holes

Radio Telescopes could take even Sharper Images of Black Holes

Astronomers believe that radio telescopes in space can take much better images of black holes in the future. Black holes have always attracted a lot of attention, since their discovery in 1916. Recently, astronomers have finally captured the first-ever image of a black hole to put an end to the long-lasting anticipation. The Event Horizon…

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Why Galaxies Stop Forming Stars?

Why Galaxies Stop Forming Stars?

The Quenching process of galaxies may vary from one to another. A Galaxy Cluster, or cluster of galaxies, is a structure that consists of anywhere from hundreds to thousands of galaxies that are bound together by gravity with typical masses ranging from 1014 to 1015 solar masses. Keeping the definition in mind, Galaxy clusters are…

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Gravitational Waves could help us to Understand Dark Matter

Gravitational Waves could help us to Understand Dark Matter

A recent research suggests that we might get a mathematical relationship between black holes and dark matter pretty soon. Albert Einstein was the first man to predict the existence of gravitational waves in 1916. He suggested about these ripples in the fabric of space-time in his General Theory of Relativity. Some of the most energetic…

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The Last Paper of Stephen Hawking is Now Online

The Last Paper of Stephen Hawking is Now Online

Black Hole Entropy and Soft Hair, the last paper of Hawking, caught a lot of attention worldwide due to its amazing theories. A world-renowned physicist, the late Stephen Hawking is not a new personality for most us. In one way or another, we have come across his incredible achievements. He was always interested in understanding…

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A Collision between Galaxies Produced a Giant Ring of Black Holes

A Collision between Galaxies Produced a Giant Ring of Black Holes

Scientists found a ring galaxy which is 300 million light-years away from Earth. The galaxies whose gravitational fields create a disturbance among each other are called Interacting or Colliding galaxies. They are quite common during galaxy evolution. Some people might confuse intergalactic collisions with the conventional meaning of collision but it happens only at the…

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Quantum Entanglement, Ancient Quasars a Lifeline?

Quantum Entanglement, Ancient Quasars a Lifeline?

A study of quasars reveal that the Quantum Entanglement is a must to explain the correlations between particles in all instances. Astronomers recognize quasars as the furthest celestial objects discovered. They emit energy in vast quantities. Some are a trillion times more luminous than the Sun. Factually, Quasars outshine stars in their galaxy, producing energy…

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What are Neutron Stars?

What are Neutron Stars?

Neutron Stars smashed into each other to produce gravitational waves. The universe around us full of amazing phenomena and the advancement in technology has revealed some of them. Concepts like dark matter, distant stars, and supernova are some of the popular space explorations. Similarly, the in-depth study of different planets of our solar system has…

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