Tag: Germany

Who Owns the Biggest and Most Powerful Nuclear Weapons at the Moment and Why?

Who Owns the Biggest and Most Powerful Nuclear Weapons at the Moment and Why?

Nuclear Weapons are becoming more and more advanced with the passage of time and the Cold War has played a massive role in that. Only eight sovereign states, in history, have successfully tested nuclear weapons. However, only five of these states are considered to be nuclear-weapon states. These five states, by order of acquisition, are…

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A half-Human half-Chicken Embryo was created for the first time

A half-Human half-Chicken Embryo was created for the first time

A team of researchers in the United States produced hybrid embryos with cells of humans and chicken. The curiosity of humanity to know more and more has surely revealed a lot of secrets of nature to us. Advancement of technology has certainly improved medical science many times and we can quote several examples like beating-heart…

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Why Uranium Enrichment is Important and how it is done?

Why Uranium Enrichment is Important and how it is done?

Uranium Enrichment is an exhaustive process that requires extraordinary funds and efficiency. Uranium is the key ingredient for building a nuclear weapon. Having said that, the perception that any kind of Uranium can be used for this purpose is not true. Only a specific type of the element can be used in nuclear bombs and…

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