Tag: Andromeda

Astrophysicists found a way to determine whether Dark Matter exists or not

Astrophysicists found a way to determine whether Dark Matter exists or not

Computer Simulations might solve one of the most debated questions in astrophysics, is the dark matter real? Baryonic matter accounts for only 5% of our universe. Scientists have no clue from where the remaining 95% came but they do believe that nearly 80% of the universe is filled with a form of matter, called Dark…

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Binaries from Milky Way to be detected

Binaries from Milky Way to be detected

A gravitational wave detector that might emerge to the scene in 16 years will allow humans to detect binaries in the universe. There are infinite numbers of components that exist in the galaxy. All the elements that articulate our galaxy play a vital role. Some of these matters are more common such as stars, planets,…

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How and when will we travel to another Galaxy?

How and when will we travel to another Galaxy?

Will we find a new home soon? Astronomers are spreading to all parts of the space these days. Efforts are being made to support longer missions so that manned spacecraft could be sent to the far-off destinations. For example, different satellites are orbiting around planets like Neptune but no man has ever gone that far…

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Closest Galaxies in our Universe

Closest Galaxies in our Universe

Andromeda is NOT the Closest Galaxy in our Universe. It is a long-known fact that the Milky Way is surrounded by millions or even billions of other galaxies. A common perception is that our closest galactic neighbor is the Andromeda Galaxy. Despite the overwhelming popularity of this idea, it’s not true. There are many other…

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Milky Way and Andromeda will collide in the Future. How long will it take?

Milky Way and Andromeda will collide in the Future. How long will it take?

Astronomers predict Titanic Collision between Milky Way and Andromeda. In about 4 billion years, two galaxies in the Local Group can produce a ‘galactic collision’. The Milky Way and Andromeda Galaxy are the most likely contenders in this regard. It’s a huge cosmic event as the entire solar system including the Sun and the Earth…

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Supermassive Black Holes can Devour One Star in a Year

Supermassive Black Holes can Devour One Star in a Year

Are Black Holes the most powerful thing in the universe? Supermassive black holes are considered the central point of almost every galaxy out there. They are extremely dangerous as they have the potential to wipe out the very galaxy it resides in. The reason for this frightening threat is, the blazing energy these holes have,…

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