Tag: Bose-Einstein Condensate

7 Coolest Discoveries that were made on the ISS

7 Coolest Discoveries that were made on the ISS

The International Space Station is a laboratory perpetually suspended 250 miles above the surface of the Earth. Existing in a state of free-fall, it largely negates the effects of gravity for everyone and everything aboard. For this reason, the research performed there can’t be conducted on Earth. The ISS has been around for 20 years…

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5 Intriguing Theories about Dark Matter

5 Intriguing Theories about Dark Matter

Dark matter is a hypothetical invisible mass, which is responsible for the force of gravity among galaxies and other celestial bodies. Although researchers don’t have any concrete information about this puzzling entity, they did come up with a number of intriguing theories about this enigmatic mass. Following is a list of 5 dark matter theories…

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The Coolest Place in the Universe

The Coolest Place in the Universe

The Cold Atom Lab of NASA can reach up to -459o F. The Cold Atom Laboratory (CAL) is a fundament Physics user facility that is operational on the International Space Station (ISS). This instrument is used to produce clouds of ultra-cooled atoms called Bose-Einstein Condensates (BEC). Their temperature can drop as much as only a…

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Scientists Finally Propose a Theory about the Formation of Dark Stars

Scientists Finally Propose a Theory about the Formation of Dark Stars

The existence of quantum stars may help explain dark matter which makes up 27% of the universe. Recently, researchers discovered how quantum stars could form and be hidden throughout the universe. These strange star-like objects may theoretically act like single, giant atoms. Bright, fast bursts of cosmic radio waves that have confounded astronomers and fanned stories of…

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