Tag: gravitational waves

Scientists Found Flashes of Light from Colliding Black Holes

Scientists Found Flashes of Light from Colliding Black Holes

Astronomers detected a potential gravitational-wave signature that may have helped them discover possible light from colliding black holes.   The name itself suggests that ‘Black Holes’ are not supposed to produce any light. Ever since the discovery of the invisible phenomenon, this is exactly what we knew until last month. According to a recent study,…

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Massive Black Holes are quite common in the Universe

Massive Black Holes are quite common in the Universe

An international team of researchers detected the light from around the first massive black holes in the universe to challenge the long-accepted theory about massive black hole formation. Despite being confident about their existence, scientists have been unable to discover the source of these ancient black holes (quasars). In order to find a solution for…

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Gravitational Waves could Reveal the Shape of Wormholes

Gravitational Waves could Reveal the Shape of Wormholes

The electromagnetic radiation and light from wormholes might help in determining the shape of this exotic object. Any mathematical model which merges three dimensions of space with the one dimension of time to produce a single 4-dimensional continuum is called Space-time. This phenomenon is closely associated with Wormholes, a speculative structure that could create shortcuts…

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Gravitational Waves could help us to Understand Dark Matter

Gravitational Waves could help us to Understand Dark Matter

A recent research suggests that we might get a mathematical relationship between black holes and dark matter pretty soon. Albert Einstein was the first man to predict the existence of gravitational waves in 1916. He suggested about these ripples in the fabric of space-time in his General Theory of Relativity. Some of the most energetic…

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Scientists Discovered a New Method adopted by the Baby Black Holes to Grow

Scientists Discovered a New Method adopted by the Baby Black Holes to Grow

Supermassive black holes provide the necessary material to the newly formed black holes to grow and expand. Black holes have always been an intriguing phenomenon since its discovery. Researchers from different parts of the world make considerable investments of time and money to understand these amazing marvels of nature. This led to a lot of…

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The merger of Binary Neutron Star produces a burst of Gamma Radiations

The merger of Binary Neutron Star produces a burst of Gamma Radiations

Researchers are quite happy about a discovery as they are hopeful that it will help the Astrophysicists to understand the links between Gravitational Waves, Neutron Stars Merger, and Short Gamma-ray Bursts. The gravitationally collapsed core of a large star is called a ‘Neutron Star’. They are the smallest as well as the densest stars that…

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What are Neutron Stars?

What are Neutron Stars?

Neutron Stars smashed into each other to produce gravitational waves. The universe around us full of amazing phenomena and the advancement in technology has revealed some of them. Concepts like dark matter, distant stars, and supernova are some of the popular space explorations. Similarly, the in-depth study of different planets of our solar system has…

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Strange phenomenon: Supermasive black hole was expelled from galaxy center

Strange phenomenon: Supermasive black hole was expelled from galaxy center

The theory says that there have been a collision between two galaxies and the black holes of these galaxies began to gravitee around each other. The collision of two galaxies is resulting in the formation of a new one This phenomenon was observed by NASA’s Hubble Space Telescope, and the mass of the black hole…

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