Tag: south africa

ESO captures an Asteroid Hiding behind a Sparkling Spiral Galaxy

ESO captures an Asteroid Hiding behind a Sparkling Spiral Galaxy

The Very Large Telescope, located in Chile, has captured outstanding scenes in a spiral galaxy called NGC 3981. The European Southern Observatory (ESO) is an intergovernmental research organization for ground-based astronomy. A total of 15 countries contribute to ESO. It has provided outstanding research facilities to the astronomers which enable them to explore the southern…

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Why Uranium Enrichment is Important and how it is done?

Why Uranium Enrichment is Important and how it is done?

Uranium Enrichment is an exhaustive process that requires extraordinary funds and efficiency. Uranium is the key ingredient for building a nuclear weapon. Having said that, the perception that any kind of Uranium can be used for this purpose is not true. Only a specific type of the element can be used in nuclear bombs and…

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What happens if tomorrow an Asteroid with the size of Los Angeles hits the Earth?

What happens if tomorrow an Asteroid with the size of Los Angeles hits the Earth?

Can an Asteroid as big as LA lead to the Extinction of the Human Race? The world will vanish one day and scientists have many theories about the annihilation of the planet Earth. Astronomers seem to believe that a severe impact on earth may cause its end. Astronomically speaking thousands of asteroids have come in…

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Rare Skeleton Shown Of Human Ancestor, 3.6 Million Years Old

Rare Skeleton Shown Of Human Ancestor, 3.6 Million Years Old

“By far the most complete skeleton of a human ancestor older than 1.5 million years ever found” Researchers in South Africa, at the University of the Witwatersrand, have unveiled a complete Australopithecus fossil on Wednesday. It has taken 20 years to excavate, clean, reconstruct and analyze the skeleton, which was very fragile. All happened thanks…

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