6 Miraculous Phenomena of Nature

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“To walk in nature is to witness a thousand miracles.” – Mary Davis
Despite all the scientific progress that humanity has achieved so far, we often run into naturally-occurring, miraculous phenomena that escape our understanding. Not only do they baffle our minds, but the creativity of these miracles also pushes us into the realm of speculation. Following is a list of 6 miraculous phenomena of nature that are simply amazing.
Tabby’s Star

The universe is composed of countless galaxies and all of them could be filled with several miraculous phenomena but we do have some unique wonders in our own Milky Way. KIC 8462852, also known as Tabby’s Star, is an extremely mysterious star of our galaxy due to its strange dips in light. The dipping of a star’s light indicates that orbiting planets are passing in front of it. In contrast to other observations, the light of Tabby’s Star drops by nearly 20% at a time. There are a number of theories for this unusual behavior (ranging from large clusters of planets to aliens) but none of them is backed with a logical explanation. You can get the latest update about the mystery of Tabby’s star here.
The Taos Hum

The town of Taos, located in north-central Mexico, is famous for a number of reasons and ‘Taos Hum’ is certainly one of the main causes. This strange noise is heard by approximately 2% of the total population and the description of the sound by every individual is different from the other. The first case of this weird noise was reported in the 1990s. Since then, researchers from the University of New Mexico have tried their best to investigate the cause of this hum but didn’t have any luck in solving this myth. Despite the fact that more and more people claimed to have heard the noise, none of the available devices are able to detect any vibrations.
Star Jelly

This translucent gelatinous material is known to evaporate immediately after falling from the sky. According to documents, the first sighting of star jelly was reported in the 14th century. It is also believed that this special jelly was used to treat abscesses at that time. Since then, scientists have made several attempts to figure out the exact origin of this strange substance but couldn’t come up with a concrete theory. A popular belief about star jelly is that it is frog ovum that expands upon exposure with water. However, researchers couldn’t find any animal or plant DNA in this jelly to back these claims.
The Tunguska Event

The residents of Siberia experienced a strange event on 30th June 1908, when a massive fireball exploded merely 6 kilometers from the ground, near the Podkamennaya Tunguska River. The shock wave of this explosion was felt miles away as verified by the visitors of the Vanavara Trading Post, which is at a distance of 64 kilometers from the sight of the explosion. A lot of scientists believe that this fireball was actually a meteor (or an asteroid) which couldn’t reach the surface of our planet due to a number of factors like atmospheric pressure. What makes this phenomenon even more miraculous is the fact that researchers found no meteor material to analyze, which could have revealed the truth.
Morning Glory Clouds

These tube-shaped clouds are quite different from standard clouds as they can reach up to 965 kilometers in length. Yes, that’s right. Morning Glory Clouds are generally seen in Australia during the period of transition from dry to wet weather and scientists have virtually no explanation for these long clouds. Having said that, climatologists do have some ideas about their formation but none of these theories have scientific evidence to support them. The only explanation we have about these clouds come from the Aboriginal people of the region. They believe that such a cloud is an indication of the increase in the bird population.
Bloody Sky

In April 2016, the people of El Salvador were terrified by a sudden change in the color of the sky as it turned blood red for a minute (before returning back to normal). This is one of the strangest miraculous phenomena on the list and is often regarded as an indication for an oncoming apocalypse. Other than this, some of the witnesses believe that the yearly April meteor showers caused this transformation. Similarly, another possible explanation for this unique phenomenon is the reflection of light from the stubble fires made by several farmers.

Computer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel