Aliens might exist in a Parallel Universe
Scientists are failing to find signs of extraterrestrial life in our universe but it is nothing to worry about as latest research reveals that aliens could be waiting for us in a parallel universe.
Humans are pretty determined to find intelligent life somewhere in the universe other than the Earth. Scientists have invested sufficient time in this quest but all of that seems to have gone in vain as they have found nothing. However, a couple of recent studies suggest that there are significant chances that some life-fostering planets are present in a parallel universe. Earlier, researchers believed that extremely strict conditions are required to support the existence of life. As scientists have discovered that there are infinitely many universes around us, the conditions for life have become a little broader.
This concept of multiple universes is known as the ‘Multiverse Theory’. The researchers taking part in this latest study found that new universes can be made under varying conditions. They ran a massive computer simulation which helped them to reach this conclusion. They explored that the mysterious pull of dark energy changes a lot of things that are associated with supporting life. A lot of people confuse the dark matter with dark energy but they are two different entities. Dark matter is an invisible form of matter which exists abundantly in the space. A lot of weird behaviors of gravity are linked with it.
On the other hand, dark energy can be considered as the rival of gravity as it pulls matter apart in the empty spaces of our universe. It is expanding our universe constantly as the matter is experiencing a continuous push. This rate of expansion is increasing every day. The most common claim in this regard is that more dark energy appears to fill-in as more space is created in the universe. Scientists have not managed to unveil the reason for this invisible force till now and that’s the reason why the word ‘mystery’ is attached to it.
You can find a variety of opinions about this energy. Some people link it with a fundamental force called ‘Quintessence’. They believe that it has a dynamic set of rules of its own. Another class of scientists follows the Einstein’s version according to which this intrinsic property is a Cosmological Constant. Irrespective of its explanation, everyone believes that it exists abundantly in our universe. It accounts for nearly 70% of the total mass-energy of our universe. According to the views of researchers, this is just the right quantity for the life to prevail.
In case of too little dark energy, the galaxies would collapse on themselves. On the other hand, they will struggle to form as the rate of space expansion will supersede their formation speed. This quantity-related issue is simplified in these latest researches.
An international team of researchers from Australia, England, and the Netherlands performed several experiments to simulate the life-cycle of various hypothetical universes. They used a computer software by the name of ‘Evolution and Assembly of Galaxies and their Environments’ to carry out these experiments. The amount of dark energy was modified for each iteration in order to measure the range of dark energy in which a universe could survive.
The readjustment ranged from none to several hundred times the amount of dark energy in our universe. The results were extremely promising as they showed that universes can survive with 300 times as much dark energy as experienced by our universe. Pascal Elahi, a Research Fellow at the University of Western Australia and a co-author of the study, said,
“Our simulations showed that the accelerated expansion driven by dark energy has hardly any impact on the birth of stars, and hence places for life to arise. Even increasing dark energy many hundreds of times might not be enough to make a dead universe.”
Despite all the positivity, these results opened up a new debate. Why we have such a small amount of dark energy when universes can bloom with so much of it? Richard Bower, a Professor of Computational Cosmology at the University of Durham provided a solution for that by saying,
“I think we should be looking for a new law of physics to explain this strange property of our Universe.”
Computer Scientist by qualification who loves to read, write, eat, and travel