NASA Is Going Back To The Moon
Vice President Mike Pence Says NASA’s Going Back to the Moon.
“We will return American astronauts to the moon, not only to leave behind footprints and flags, but [also] to build the foundation we need to send Americans to Mars and beyond,” Pence said on October 5 at the first meeting of the newly reinstated National Space Council (NSC).
NASA is going to explore the entire Solar System in the nearby future and starting with the Moon is one of the best choices for the moment. Many of you asked why there’s so much time since a footprint was made on the Moon.
“The moon will be a stepping stone, a training ground, a venue to strengthen our commercial and international partnerships as we refocus America’s space program toward human space exploration. Rather than lead in space, too often, we’ve chosen to drift and, as we learned 60 years ago, when we drift, we fall behind” Pence added.
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