That’s How A Very Strong Solar Explosion Looks Like
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Scientists have been able to shoot the largest solar eruption in the last 12 years
Astronomers have been able to record impressive images of a very strong solar flare.
With the help of Swedish Solar Telescope in La Palma, the phenomenon was classified into the X category, which contains the most dangerous solar bursts ever recorded.
Within just 48 hours, there were two more eruptions of the same amplitude, the energy released during a single eruption being equivalent to the explosion of one billion hydrogen bombs.
“This phenomenon is rare, but even more rarer is the fact that people can surprise the moment from the beginning, because we can see only a very small part of the Sun’s crown” – Chris Nelson, Solar Physics
How big it was?
The modern record of solar eruptions began in 1996. The one that has taken place now is ranked 8th in intensity and is the strongest of the past 12 years.
The phenomenon is unusual, because the Sun is currently in a period of minimal activity, so it is strange to see three consecutive eruptions being very close to each other.
It is good to know that radio communications have been affected on Earth in the regions facing the Sun. Also in North America and California impressive aurorae borealesĀ could be observed.
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