Tag: Science

Why is Religion more Popular than Science?

Why is Religion more Popular than Science?

The mind domination of empathy inclines people towards religion. All of us have different beliefs and we must respect everyone’s opinion, irrespective of the fact that we agree to it or not, to ensure a peaceful life. Having said that, referring to the phrase ‘Science and Religion are compatible with each other’ can result in…

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What Do Scientists think about Religion?

What Do Scientists think about Religion?

Science and Religion are individual commodities and they cannot be merged, at least for now, in view of some of the greatest scientists ever. Science and religion are often considered conflicting entities as the latter of the two requires faith and belief while science demands a scientific proof for everything. This can lead to various…

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Domestic Inventions that Changed Human Life

Domestic Inventions that Changed Human Life

  Technology has engulfed us so much, that we can hardly imagine a life without it. Many of us would fail to accomplish very simple tasks if these machines are not there. Following are some domestic inventions which are part and parcel of our lives, yet we never pay much attention to their significance. 1.     …

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10 Things that Everyone Believed but Science Proved otherwise

10 Things that Everyone Believed but Science Proved otherwise

Science has the history of toppling many facts and challenging beliefs of different religions. We have a long list of debunked facts which were proven wrong after years and years of existence. Similarly, a lot of religious faiths were put into question following certain developments in the field of Science. This has been an important…

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Does religion have anything in common with science? 

Does religion have anything in common with science? 

How Religion can be Combined with Science? The relationship between religion and science has always been questionable. From Classical Antiquity to today’s modern world with all the advancements in technology, this query is yet to be solved. Different people have different theories that they follow in order to settle this issue. Some feel that these…

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